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ACT Math Word Problems...why are they so wordy?

About 30% of the ACT math test are word problems.

The key to solving a word problem is bringing together all the relevant pieces of given information and putting them in the right places.

If you are going to score well on the ACT, you must master the word problems. This is done with knowing the tricks and with practice.


1. Translate Important Terms Correctly

Translate important terms into mathematical equations

2. Write down the relationships correctly between variables. The ACT uses tricky language to confuse you; this may require practice comprehending what is written.

Ex: A person bought twice as many pizzas from Company A as for Company B

Company A: 2x

Company B: x

Ex: They flew 10 more red balloons than blue balloons and 8 more blue balloons than green balloons

Red balloons (rb): rb + 10

Blue balloons (bb): bb + 8

Green balloons (gb): gb

Ex: The # of seats in each row is 3 less than the # of rows

Seats = rows – 3

Ex: The speed of boat A exceeds 8 times the speed of boat B by 10mph

A: 8x+10

B: x

(remember exceeds means addition, times means multiplication)

3. Underline and Write Out the Key Information

Make sure you write out all your givens on the diagram you’ve drawn. Also, write down equations, #’s as you are given them so you don’t need to re-read the problem

4. Pay Close Attention to Exactly What Is Being Asked of You

Make sure you pay strict attention to exactly what you’re meant to be solving for and exactly what pieces of information go where.

Ex: Are you looking for the area or the perimeter? The value of x or x+y?

5. Pay close attention to what’s given to you, especially the units

When writing down what’s given, make sure you include the units. Sometimes the units change (ex: feet to inches) and you must make a conversion.

Equations you need to know for word Problems....coming soon!

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