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3 Ways to Improve Your ACT Math Score

Updated: Aug 3, 2022

You want to get a good score on the ACT math. You can do it. This is a section where you can get a better score quickly and easily. You just need to focus on 3 areas:

1) Learn ACT concepts. Use our concepts site (www.e2effectiveeducators/mathconcepts) to focus in on key concepts where you need help. And we only teach you what you need to know. We don't teach you concepts that the ACT doesn't have any questions on. Learn the math concepts, work through the examples, and then try out actual ACT problems!

2) Understand how to improve your timing. Pacing is key on the ACT. If you want to score well, you need time to work through the problems. Typically, the first 25 questions should be answered in 1/2 the time of questions 40-55. For really advanced students, that means you need to reach question 40 at 30-35 min. There are 2 ways to improve your time...1) familiarity and 2) strategies. 1) Familiarity - after working on more and more problems, you will be able to complete the test faster. 2) strategies - try filling in the answers on the scan tron after working through 30 or 40 questions on the test. You will save 2-3 minutes!

3) Give yourself the opportunity TO SEE. Everyone makes errors or "dumb mistakes". You need to recognize and SEE when you make those errors. By writing down your work, you will SEE your errors. I've seen multiple students get the end of the problem and they circle the wrong answer. If they spend 10 seconds glancing over the page and see if there was a circling error by SEEING what they got for an answer and SEEING what they circled, they could find the errors. The other way to prevent errors is to underline the question. The ACT is famous for changing up the flow of the question and ask for something different than expected. By underlining the question, you can ensure you are answering exactly what is asked for.

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