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Geometric sequences


Geometric Sequence

• A series of numbers that changes by the same rate (or there is a common ratio)

• Look for words, "geometric sequence" or "constant ratio" in the question

Geometric Sequence: series of numbers that change by the same rate (r)

• r = aₙ / aₙ₋₁

• aₙ = a₁ * r ⁿ⁻¹


Given the sequence, what is the ratio?

2,4,6,8,10 => ratio = 2

3,12,48,192 => ratio = 4

Doubles, Triples, etc word problems are the same as geometric sequence

• Total = Initial (increase)ᵗᶦᵐᵉ (increase can be in terms such as doubles, triples, etc)


• The number of toys a child owns triples every 2 years. If he has 100 toys at age 1. How many toys does one have at age 9?

T = 100 (3)⁸


Question 1 What is the 5th term in the geometric sequence, -4, 8, -16, 32…?

-- Answer -- -64

sequence: -4, 8, -16, 32, -64, 128

5th term: -64

Question 2 Given the 1st term in a sequence is 5. The terms in the sequence have a constant ratio of 5. What is the 4th term?

-- Answer -- 625

2nd term: 5*5 = 25

3rd term: 25*5 = 125

4th term: 125*5 = 625

Question 3 Houses in Milwaukee triple every year. If there are 25 houses in a neighborhood of Milwaukee now, how many houses will be in that neighborhood at the end of 5 years?

-- Answer -- 6075

Total = initial * (3)ᵗᶦᵐᵉ = 25 (3)⁵ = 25 * 243 = 6075


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